Friday, December 23, 2011

Pre-Christmas thought and feelings of thanks

Wow, can you believe it’s Christmas?  I am amazed at how fast time seems to pass.  This holiday brings out a lot of memories of spending time in Mexico with my family and celebrating the posadas.  I remember going to my Aunts house when I was a child and celebrating the holidays with ponche, tamales, piñatas and villancicos.  Now that I am older and making my own home I am thankful for many things in my life.

First and foremost I am thankful that for my parents. I am blessed that my mom is doing well and that no more cancer has shown on her medical tests; that my dad is healthy and that both of them love me very much.
I am thankful for my brothers and my sister because I know that they will always have my back and be more than willing to protect me and make laugh.
I am thankful for a wonderfully kind sister-in-law who enjoys life and has shown me that family will always be more important than anything.
I am thankful to my little nephews who make me see things in their innocent ways and rediscovered a lot of things that I forgot how to see as I got older.

I am thankful to my baby niece because seeing her smile makes my heart joyful and full of hope.
I am thankful to all my friends those close by and those far away.  Because no matter how long it’s been since we've seen each other, our friendship remains and when we do talk, it’s like no time has passed, and we pick up right where we left off.

There is one person for whom I am more than thankful.  He has shared his life with me these past three years. He believes in me and he loves the person that I am, for who I am, even when I am not at my best.  He understands my obsession with books and movies. He enjoys my cooking.  He is proud of my accomplishments and knowledge, and is not intimidated by them.  He pushes me to continue growing and to become better at everything that I set out to do. He takes care of me. He pampers me. He protects me.  He makes me smile and gives me a tissue when I start crying at the movies.  I love him and am blessed to have him be a part of my life.

I am thankful that I am healthy, that I have a roof over my head, food on my table and happiness in my heart.

What more could a girl want?

Merry Christmas.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Hopes and Dreams

I recently turned 33 and as I looked through my documents while cleaning my computer, I found this list that I still find important on how I live my life.  It is as true now as when I first wrote it. 

Hopes and Dreams

I know that I might never reach all my goals and dreams as I hope I will, but I hope that I have the courage to enjoy working towards them.

I hope that I have the strength to get up and keep walking after every time I fall, which I know will happen.

I hope that I have the strength and patience to forgive and keep believing in people even when those I trust and love let me down and hurt me.

I hope I don't become so proud that I can't say I am sorry and admit when something is my fault, or when I am wrong.

I hope I have the courage to ask the questions I should and the strength to hear the answers I might not want to hear.

I hope I never lose the wonder of learning and the joy of fun, ice cream, cartoons, being in love and being loved.

And above all, when I die and God asks me what was the thing that I liked the most about my life, I hope that I can honestly still say  "LIVING"

--Rosa Sanchez

Sunday, August 7, 2011

World War Z and surviving a Zombie attack

Well, my brother lend me the book World War Z by Max Brook.  He thought I would enjoy it since I love reading Laurel K. Hamilton books. Now, I am not necesarily a fan of the zombie type stories and for the most part avoid books or movies (ahem... Resident Evil series, Night of the living dead) that use this theme. I have seen a lot of the movies, but then again my mom is a fan of the horror genre of movies and I wasn't about to say no to her if she wanted me to see them with her, but that is another story.

Anyway, my brother doesn't read as much as I do and he is much more selective about the type of books he reads.  He was right, I really liked the book. Although the story was very sad specially since it is told as fictional oral account of the war against the zombies.  The survivors that willingly tell their stories and experiences during the war is done very matter of fact and at times with a lot of emotion.  The author manages to cover stories from all different aspects of the War. He interviews people in countries all over the world. They are doctors, military men and women, politicians, religious leaders and regular people who managed to survive in different ways.

I must admit that there are times when I was so involved in the story that I wanted to punch the leaders of some of the countries for their egotistical stupidity and some others I hope we have in real life specially if a situation like that ever arose.

It is a fun read and it made me think if i could survive a Zombie attack... I am not sure I would. Would you survive?

Friday, July 1, 2011

mmmm... chicharrones preparados

Ayer precisamente, una amiga me hizo un comentario hacerca de comer  los chicharrones preparados. Y me recordó la conversación que tuvimos hacerca de la manera appropiada de prepararlos. Para comenzar, veamos los ingredientes:
Chicharrón plano (como de 12x20 cm)
Cueritos cortados
Rebanadas de Col ( las suficientes para cubrir el chicharrón)
Limón, salsa valentina y sal al gusto
 Ahora, la preparación es simple. Se unta la crema en el chicharrón, se cubre con la col picada,. Se le ponen encima los cueritos rebanados. Se le pone el jitomate (algunas personas lo prefieren en rodajas y otros en cuadros) y el aguacate. Para finalizar se le pone limon, salsa valentina y sal al gusto.  Ahora, mi amiga me comento que ella habia comido unos chicharrones preparados a los cuales tambien se les ponia queso rallado.  Yo personalmente nunca los he comido asi pero seria interesante probarlos.

La verdad es que comer chicharrones preparados me trae muchos recuerdos.  Habia una señora que los vendia fuera de la secundaria y con frecuencia comprabamos uno entre mis amigas y yo para comerlo en el camino a la parada de autobuses para regresar a casa.  No era del siempre pero cuando si podiamos sabian deliciosos.

¿Y a ti como te gusta preparar los chicharroness?